DAY 21
Filled with the Glory of God
Then the temple of the Lord was filled with the cloud, and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple of God.
– 2 Chronicles 5:13-14
Here we are again, at the mountain-top moment of this account. Following the song of worship, a ‘cloud’ filled the temple, a visible manifestation of the glory or weight of God (see Day 15).
Sometimes this sense of the weightiness of the Lord in our midst, visible or invisible, can lead to a holy ‘silence’ – not just a lack of noise but a stillness, that is clearly permeated by the holy presence of God. This is the sense we get when reading this passage; having done all they could do, having brought their best, having consecrated themselves, the Lord came in and filled the temple. Likewise, for us, too, it’s important that we increasingly sensitise ourselves to the presence of the Lord in our own lives and when we gather together.
What’s truly wonderful is that the Lord not only comes to manifest Himself to us, but He does so in order to transform us:
And we all, with unveiled faces contemplate (reflect) the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
– 2 Corinthians 3:18
Daily devotional
by Rosy Cole
It means that no matter how wonderful our times with the Lord have been during these 21 days, there is always more. As we keep seeking Him and keep ministering to Him, we will increasingly encounter Him. As we do, we will be continually transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory. Moreover, unlike Moses who had to cover his face as the glory faded, we can go out with the glory of God on us, blessing those around us – and seeing them come to the Lord, so that their lives can be transformed, too, both now and forever!
- On this final day of our 21 days, why not take time to go back through these notes. Look over any journaling that you have done. Reflect on how the Lord has blessed you, and on what He has spoken to you.
- Then take some time to draw near to the Lord in worship. Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you again with His glory and for His glory!
worship song