The Marriage Course

navigate life together

The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their marriage. The course is designed to help couples build strong foundations, learn to communicate more effectively, and resolve differences well.  

The Marriage Course offers practical tools to help couples invest in their marriage so that it may last a lifetime. Although the Marriage Course is based on Christian principles, it is designed for all couples, with or without a church background.

After watching the session video, couples have time for private discussion. Couples are never asked to share anything about their relationship with anyone else.

We nearly didn't come... this year has been extremely hard... we came to a brick wall and didn't know how to get through it. It has totally changed things around. We are going to get our marriage blessed next and have a fresh start.

— previous attendees

Topics Covered Include:

  • Strengthening Connection /
  • The Art of Communication /
  • Resolving Conflict /
  • The Power of Forgiveness /
  • The Impact of Family – Past and Present /
  • Good Sex /
  • Love in Action



In Person course running at KingsGate, Peterborough, PE1 4YT on Tuesdays at 7:30pm
starting Tuesday 22 October

Please register your interest and we will be in touch.